
Vårt nyhetsmagasin er en uavhengig nettavis og medlem i Fagpressen.


JURK har styrket kvinners rettsvern i Norge

Har mannen min lov til å slå meg? Kan han nekte meg å jobbe? Det spurte kvinner om i 1974. I år er det femti år siden JURK's arbeid med juridisk rådgivning for kvinner startet opp.

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Menn i omsorgsyrker

Er læreryrket et omsorgsyrke?

Ja, svarer læreren, tja, sier forskeren. Er det påstanden om feminisering av skolen og merkelappen omsorgsyrke som skremmer vekk menn fra lærerutdanningen?

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UiB AI #11: AI, Ethics, Aesthetics

Bergen | |

The shifts in music technology that have driven musical innovation in the last 80 years have largely consolidated historic gender imbalances in the creation and production of music. Today, AI technologies are amplifying imbalances in ways that extend existing marginalisation and shape biases in music listening. Jill Halstead (Grieg Research School in Interdisciplinary Music Studies) will in her presentation "Hearing Bias? The Impact of AI-Driven Technologies on music production and listening" consider these issues in relation to the Gender, Technology, Participation Project, a collaboration between Grieg Academy and Center for Women and Gender Studies at The University of Bergen. The project seeks to develop interdisciplinary research collaboration networks with the music sector, which will raise and address questions of gender bias in music technology design, music production and distribution. 

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Women’s work? Production and circulation in the New Kingdom textile industry

Oslo | |

Contrary to representations of most crafts in ancient Egypt, those of textile production indicates an overt female presence. Archaeological Friday Seminar at The University of Oslo invites to a seminar with Associate Professor Reinert Skumsnes from The Centre for Gender Research. He will discuss the assumption that women, as opposed to men and foreigners, were restricted to small-scale domestic production, and instead focus on textile production and circulation as a collective enterprise, bridging small-, middle- and large-scale, by foreigners and Egyptians alike.

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Vårt nyhetsmagasin er en uavhengig nettavis og medlem i Fagpressen.