

Signe Uldebjerg er postdoktor ved Syddansk Universitet. I fjor ble forskningen hennes brukt som eksempel på forskning som truer den vitenskapelige integriteten

Danish research on violence under political pressure

Last year, Signe Uldbjerg’s research on digital violence against women became a hot political issue at the Danish Folketinget. Followed by a political statement on the relationship between activism and research, outrage from Danish academia and a debate on academic freedom.

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Digital misogyny on the rise

Research shows that misogynist online communities have increased in numbers intensity and become more extreme in the past decade. 

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Changing perspectives in gender equality research

A new report has identified trends and knowledge gaps in Norwegian scientific publications on gender equality and diversity in research and innovation. According to the report, it is not a given that measures aimed at gender equality are also effective when it comes to ethnic diversity.
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“We need queer life stories”

“I am surprised that the coming-out stories are still so important, and that coming out is so stressful and difficult for young people also today,” says researcher.
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“Research needs criticism”

All disciplines need criticism, both from within their own ranks and in the media. But if the criticism is unreasonable and personal, it can threaten freedom of speech in academia, believes one Swedish gender researcher.
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Most read news articles in 2021

Articles about Simone de Beauvoir, Game of Thrones and Harry Potter were among the most read articles on Kilden last year.
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The COVID-19 pandemic is taking a toll on academia

More than a year has passed since a virus pandemic shut down most of society, including the university and university college sector. Researchers with young children as well as teaching duties and research to conduct have been squeezed the hardest, according to recent research.
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The versatile Hamsun

New research demonstrates expressions of women’s liberation and homoerotic desire in Knut Hamsun’s works from the 1890’s.
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News Magazine

Our news magazine is an independent online newspaper and a member of the Norwegian Specialised Press Association Fagpressen.