

New gender ideals in Egypt

“The gender positions in Egyptian society are changing,” says Monika Lindbekk. According to her, clear-cut antagonism between Islamism and feminism is now being challenged by legal changes.
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Women central to the global fishing industry

Although women play a central role in the fishing industry in many parts of the world, their contribution has not been sufficiently recognised. Now, the gender perspective on fishing is finally asserting itself.
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Empowered by electricity

The introduction of electricity in India and Afghanistan may save lives and reduce the oppression of women. But the picture is far from black and white.
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Good mothers don't protest

They demonstrated in order to secure their children’s future in Norway, but the protest was used against them as mothers. “Who is allowed to be politically active and how is a much more gendered issue than we’d like to think,” says Synnøve Bendixsen.
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Women are entering the boxing ring

Cecilia Brækhus is just one of several Norwegian female athletes who has contributed to putting women’s boxing on the map, both in Norway and internationally, according to researcher Anne Tjønndal.
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Open the door and let gender in

How can gender perspectives be coaxed into a world of male researchers? The gender group at the Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO) did it by knocking on doors and demanding new ways of thinking.
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Norway’s gender expert in Brussels

The world’s largest research programme has its own Advisory Group on Gender. A Norwegian professor is one of 30 experts selected to take part in the group.
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“Feminine sound” = poor dance music?

Girls are sent out of the queue because they’re not cool enough. Female DJs don’t get gigs because the music they play is “too feminine”. According to music researcher, discrimination of women is common in the club scene.
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Cash's masculine vulnerability

It is OK for men to show vulnerability as long as it is related to a past they can control. This is how the researcher Eirik Askerøi interprets the musician Johnny Cash.
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Excluded both as man and minority

Exclusion during the student days may result in lower ambitions when entering the job market. In bioengineering, male students with minority background are struggling the most.
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Queer asylum seekers should talk about romantic love

According to new research, queer asylum seekers adjust to the Norwegian model in order to gain credibility by society and the authorities. The Norwegian Directorate of Immigration (UDI) says that they take the applicants’ diverse sexual expressions into consideration.
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Boys more affected by gay insults

When words like ‘gay’, ‘fag’, and ‘lesbo’ are used as insults it is mostly among friends. But that does not make them harmless, according to the Norwegian researcher Hilde Slåtten.
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Low queer-factor in computer games

Some computer games provide players with gay characters. At the same time, however, the gay characters can always be deselected. Where is the diversity in the gaming world? asks Norwegian game researcher.
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Cross-cultural marriage means higher incomes

If you are a male immigrant and marry a woman from a country other than your own, you increase your chances of a good job and a high income. This applies whether the woman you marry is Norwegian or not.
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Violence puts women in their place

In order to say anything about gender and violence – apart from counting the number of men and women who abuse or are being abused – we need to look at the meaning behind the violence, according to the Norwegian researcher Hilde Jakobsen.
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Do female birds mate with multiple males to protect their young?

Blue tit females mate with more than one male. Several possible blue tit fathers may then work together to stop predators from attacking their young, according to new research from the University of Bergen. Philosopher Claus Halberg believes this research challenges established ideas about the passive female.
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