
Kilden is a national knowledge centre for gender perspectives and gender balance in research. We cooperate with a broad range of partners and serve as a forum where researchers, the authorities and civil society meet.

News Magazine

Our news magazine is an independent online newspaper and a member of the Norwegian Specialised Press Association Fagpressen.

Artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence is expected to open up great opportunities for society, but what do we know about artificial intelligence and gender equality?

Gender Equality in Research in Europe

Kilden has mapped similarities and differences among European knowledge centres that work with gender perspectives and gender balance in research.

Master suppression techniques

Master suppression techniques are strategies people or groups of people can use to dominate or humiliate others in a subtle, indirect way.

What's up?

Religionssosiologisk vårseminar

Oslo | |
MF vitenskapelig høgskole invitetes you to a seminar about religion and gender in a sociological perspective. Recent studies and news headlines point to young men being more religious than young women in the West, in an apparent reversal of the well established religious gender gap. Is this a real trend, and is it related to young men’s increased political conservatism? Is it an expression of misogyny or traditionalism, a symptom of insecurity, or does it simply reflect an interest in spirituality and meaning?
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Symposium: Gender research in troubled times

Bergen | |

In connection with SKOK’s 25th anniversary in 2025, they have invited some of their most exciting national and international collaborators through the years to address various aspects of their present and future predicaments at their symposium: Gender research in troubled times (09:00-16:40). After the symposium, they'll have a reception where everyone's welcome. Participants must register by 14th of May 2025. 

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Forsiden av Tidsskrift for kjønnsforskning 4-24 med illustrasjon i bølgende former i blått, hvitt og lilla, utsnitt av Kildens K-logo

News Magazine

Our news magazine is an independent online newspaper and a member of the Norwegian Specialised Press Association Fagpressen.

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