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Apply for funding from the Nordic Gender Fund this autumn

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The Swedish Secretariat for Gender Research at the University of Gothenburg is committed to supporting the infrastructure for a broad field of research on gender and other power structures. As part of this work, the Secretariat has established a Nordic Gender Fund, which will be announced once a year. Applications for funding can include journals, conferences and networks for research on norms, beliefs and structures that create, reproduce and maintain inequalities based on, for example, gender, race/ethnicity, sexuality, class and age. The first call for applications will open on 15 October 2024. Deadline for applications is 15 November. 

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Activating the queer archive!

Gothenburg | |

The Nordic Network for Queer History Archives and Activities (Nnaqh) invites archivists, museum workers, queer and history scholars, activists and other people interested in queer history to the third conference: from different angles and depths the conference will explore what activating the archive means. What are the meanings of a queer archive and for whom? Or is the queer archive a negation? 

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Gendered Realities in Gaza

Oslo | |

The Centre for Gender Research at The University of Oslo invites to a seminar, where PhD research fellow Khalid Dader (Tampere University) will present his research on shifting gender roles and identities in Gaza. The talk will explore the profound reconfigurations of gender roles, highlighting how both men and women in Gaza are forced to renegotiate their identities in the face of devastation. 

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Panel conversation about the documentary Your Fat Friend

Bergen | |

In connection with the screening of the documentary Your Fat Friend at Bergen international film festival (BIFF), the University of Bergen is organizing a panel conversation with the film’s director about fat activism and fat representation. Joining the conversation will be director Jeanie Finlay and PhD candiate at the Centre for Digital Narrative, Ella Maria Holi. PhD candidate at the Centre for Women's and Gender Research, Sunniva Árja Tobiasen, will moderate the conversation.

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Decolonizing Research/Politicizing Ethics with Prof. Lila Abu-Lughod

Oslo | |
The Centre for Islamic and Middle East Studies (CIMS) at the University of Oslo invites to a seminar with the anthropologist Professor Lila Abu-Lughod, entitled “Decolonizing Research/Politicizing Ethics: What Middle East Studies Can Learn from the Indigenous Turn in Anthropology.” Abu-Lughod is the Joseph L. Buttenwieser Professor of Social Science at Columbia University (USA) where she teaches anthropology and gender studies, and is a leading voice in the debates about culture, gender, Islam, and global feminist politics.
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Improving European Universities. International Conference on Gender (In)equality in Academia

Rzeszów, Polen | to |

The University of Rzeszów and the Academic Network for Security and Equality – association of ombuds and other persons working to enhance diversity, equity, and inclusion in Polish academia – invites representatives from other universities and HEI institutions to discuss general issues related to building more inclusive and equal universities and particular issues related to GEP (gender equality plan) creation and implementation. Equality plans are changing European universities from within and contribute to creating a more welcoming, inclusive, and friendly environment for those who study and work in academia.


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