Upcoming events

In this calendar, you will find events on gender research, gender perspectives in research in various fields, and events on gender balance and gender equality in academia, arranged in Norway or relevant to researchers at Norwegian institutions, or other interested parties.

Let us know if your event is not in the calendar!

Religionssosiologisk vårseminar

Oslo | |
MF vitenskapelig høgskole invitetes you to a seminar about religion and gender in a sociological perspective. Recent studies and news headlines point to young men being more religious than young women in the West, in an apparent reversal of the well established religious gender gap. Is this a real trend, and is it related to young men’s increased political conservatism? Is it an expression of misogyny or traditionalism, a symptom of insecurity, or does it simply reflect an interest in spirituality and meaning?
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Symposium: Gender research in troubled times

Bergen | |

In connection with SKOK’s 25th anniversary in 2025, they have invited some of their most exciting national and international collaborators through the years to address various aspects of their present and future predicaments at their symposium: Gender research in troubled times (09:00-16:40). After the symposium, they'll have a reception where everyone's welcome. Participants must register by 14th of May 2025. 

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Kjønnsforskning NÅ!

Oslo | to |

Kjønnsforskning NÅ! 2025 is organized by the Center for Gender Research at the University of Oslo, and is the national conference for gender researchers and others in Norway who work with gender questions. It is a meeting place where new connections can be made and existing networks strengthened, across fields and disciplines.

Call for papers: Deadline February 1st

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3rd Global Conference on Gender Studies

stockholm | to |

Gender Conference hosts the 3rd Global Conference on Gender Studies. The event will engage participants from across the globe in the exploration of multidisciplinary topics such as social construction and role of gender within various societies, the meaning of gender and sex in the past and modern societies, women’s contemporary and historical experiences, and the multiple social identities. 

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Gender Equality Days 2025

Helsinki | to |

The Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, the Nordic Council of Ministers, the City of Vantaa, the Nordic Information on Gender (NIKK), and a network of Finnish equality actors invite you to the 11th annual Gender Equality Days (Tasa-arvopäivät) on 8-9 October 2025 at the Clarion Hotel Aviapolis in Vantaa, Helsinki Metropolitan Area. 

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News Magazine

Our news magazine is an independent online newspaper and a member of the Norwegian Specialised Press Association Fagpressen.