Mapping of European Knowledge Centres for Gender Equality in Research

For several years Kilden has participated in numerous European collaborations, including projects related to Horizon 2020 framework. Through these partnerships we have become acquainted with similar organisations across Europe. They all work throughout different activities and make a great contribution in what we see as an European infrastructure for gender equality in research. Within the infrastructure, however, Kilden has come to learn that some units are more similar to our own entity, than others. We wanted to find out what kind of characteristics and objectives we have in common, that make us a different "cluster of units" compared to the surrounding infrastructure. For that reason, Kilden initiated a mapping of these units in 2019.
As of April 2020, there are five units included in the mapping, in addition to Kilden. These are from Germany, Sweden, France, Czech Republic and Ireland. The mapping has resulted in a report where all these units are presented and compared based on some predetermined analytical dimensions. The report illustrates interesting communalities and diversity with regards to how the knowledge centres are organized and how they implement their mandate through a variety of activities.
Kilden believe the report can be interesting for anyone within the field of gender equality and gender perspectives in research, or organisations working with different types of research dissemination. In addition, it is our hope that the report could be an inspiration and work as a resource for groups, networks or associations in other countries who want to establish something similar.
We notify that the number of units in the mapping is not comprehensive. We will revise the mapping in 2021 and if you believe your organization could be relevant and should be included, we encourage you to contact us at
Read editorial about the project by former director of Kilden Linda Marie Rustad.