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AI is trained using old, gender-conservative data
However, in a recent report on artificial intelligence in the public sector, only three per cent of the participants believe that new technology increases the risk of discrimination. The lack of awareness is alarming, says one of the authors.

Racism impacts men and women differently
“Men get compared to animals and have animal sounds shouted at them, while girls and women are more likely to encounter contempt because of their appearance,” says Cora Alexa Døving. She is the editor of a new book about racism in Norway.

From gender equality to inclusion
How will gender equality efforts in the research sector evolve as we take more and more groups into consideration?

“Simone de Beauvoir’s analysis of old age is still relevant”
The French philosopher Simone de Beauvoir’s analysis of the oppression of women may be applied to explain oppression of elderly people today, says Tove Pettersen.

No discrimination against women whose CVs are as good as men’s
According to a recent study, women and men have equal chances to move up professionally in academia as a whole. There are, however, a number of systematic differences.

The EU raises the standard of Norwegian gender equality policies
That the EU affects Norwegian gender equality policies has mostly proven to be a good thing. But an individual-oriented policy puts pressure on the social democratic approach, say researchers.

One of four LGBT people experience hate speech
A new report shows that twice as many LGBT people are victims of discrimination and exclusion as the rest of the population. The risk increases even more among those with minority characteristics.

Norwegian courts discriminate: Ethnicity and location matter in sentencing of rape cases
A survey of rape convictions in Norway reveals systematic discrimination of men with minority background and of women.

“Feminine sound” = poor dance music?
Girls are sent out of the queue because they’re not cool enough. Female DJs don’t get gigs because the music they play is “too feminine”. According to music researcher, discrimination of women is common in the club scene.

Excluded both as man and minority
Exclusion during the student days may result in lower ambitions when entering the job market. In bioengineering, male students with minority background are struggling the most.

New tools needed
Despite the increasing awareness about multidimensional discrimination, neither the legislators nor the monitoring agencies are sufficiently well equipped to handle this problem, according to professor of political science Hege Skjeie.

Safeguarding against complex discrimination
When a black lesbian is passed by at the workplace, is that a case of discrimination against women? Of gay people? Or because of her race? Or a stereotype that the three elements create in combination? Norwegian researchers Mari Teigen and Liza Reisel are looking into whether legislation can tackle compound discrimination of this sort.

How Norwegian must minority politicians be?
Minorities must be “sufficiently Norwegian” and “understand the Norwegian mindset” if they want to run for local political office. Not least, they need to show that they support gender equality. Are minority women judged differently than minority men? Yes, according to sociologist Beret Bråten.

Strong gender equality legislation has enhanced overall protection against discrimination
The Norwegian Gender Equality Act has become a model for expanding the protection against discrimination in other areas as well. In this way the Act has strengthened anti-discrimination laws in general.
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