So far, including the gender dimension has not been a priority, neither in the national green transition policy nor in the political party platforms. Gender equality and the green transition in a Norwegian or Nordic context have not been a focus area in research either. If we look at the UN Sustainable Development Goals, gender equality is enshrined in a separate goal while also being an interdisciplinary goal for the other Sustainable Development Goals.
Combating climate change, reducing inequality, ensuring better health and quality of life for everyone and promoting decent working conditions and green economic growth are examples of how gender equality can be an interdisciplinary sustainable development goal. In other words, the goals mean that consequences for gender equality shall be considered when designing measures to achieve the sub-goals.
Gender equality in the green transition was the topic of Kilden’s 2021 annual conference. We wanted to consider sustainability, climate and nature in conjunction with gender equality and in a Nordic context. Read more about the conference here (Norwegian only).
What has gender equality to do with the green transition of the labour market?
What has gender equality to do with nature management?