The Women's International Electronic University

The Women's International Electronic University (WIEU), lanserte sine offisielle nettsider i slutten av april.

Donna Clarke ved WIEU sier i en e-post til KILDEN:

- Along with new and diverse online course listings, the web site is now multilingual and is available in English, Spanish and German. A Japanese version will be added later this year. In addition, a new interactive discussion forum is included in the new format.

- WIEU offers an alternative for women worldwide who cannot attend traditional universities and colleges. Founded in 1996, WIEU has been contacted by women in over 60 countries.

- The mission of WIEU is to empower women by increasing their access to online education and institutions that offer Internet courses. The organization provides a clearinghouse to locate and connect courses, mentor-teachers, and prospective students. WIEU recruits mentors and courses that are women-friendly and women-informed in their top priority areas: courses in information technology, health promotion and living skills, academic and professional training, continuing education, and global awareness.

- The newest course in the WIEU Cyberlog is: "Introduction to the Web for Women: History, Skill Development, Applications." The course is introductory, aimed at women with minimal Web experience. It highlights the significant role that women have played and still play in the development of computer technology, and at the same time provides women with the skills to navigate the Web for themselves.

- WIEU promotes intercultural and interdisciplinary research, teaching and dialog across class and cultural barriers. The organization's long range goal is the formation of a consortium of women's colleges, universities and programs that provide online education. The Women's International Electronic University offers a perspective, shared by many international development organizations, that views women as the chief social multipliers for the next millennium.

For more information contact:

Madonna Kolbenschlag


FAX: 304-598-3069

Mail: WIEUP.O. Box 4236

Star City, WV 26504-4236


Donna R. Clarke

Asst. Director

Development and Public Relations

Website Manager

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