Gender equality

The speaking subject: A conversation with Toril Moi

"I believe that any sentence you utter is an expression of a judgment. It’s a judgment of how you see the world", Toril Moi says.

Changing legal gender and gender points: Is the scheme being abused?

The regulations don't readily allow individuals to impulsively change their legal gender, a legal experts explains.

Mari Teigen: Likes protest but in moderation

Armed with hard facts, Mari Teigen, as head of CORE – the Centre for Research on Gender Equality – has dedicated her career to investigating how gender plays out in the structure of society.

Gender quotas on corporate boards? Norwegian researchers share their views

The Norwegian government wants to introduce requirements for gender balance on private boards, but do gender quotas really work? Read what researchers in the field think of the proposal.

Avoided the f-word as foreign minister

Canada, Mexico and  Sweden in particular, are examples of countries that used the term "feminist" as part of their foreign policy. The fact that Ine Eriksen Søreide did not do so suited both her and Norway just fine, says researcher Inger Skjelsbæk.

Changing perspectives in gender equality research

A new report has identified trends and knowledge gaps in Norwegian scientific publications on gender equality and diversity in research and innovation. According to the report, it is not a given that measures aimed at gender equality are also effective when it comes to ethnic diversity.

How the pandemic exposed the faultlines of gender inequality in Norway’s labour market

The pandemic highlights some significant and remaining gendered structures in the Norwegian labour market – and the not-quite-sufficient efforts to eliminate them, writes Mari Teigen in this article.

Gender Budgeting: A tool to increase the sustainability of gender equality plans?

How can gender equality be achieved in an academia in which business logic and competition are central elements of its measures?, asks Gilda Seddighi and Hilde G. Corneliussen.

Fewer gender equality measures in academia in Finland than in Norway and Sweden

A new study shows that Finnish universities have fewer measures for implementation of gender balance in academia, but their proportion of female professors is as high as in Sweden and Norway.

Gender equality in research is a joint European responsibility

I am hoping for more outreach and more knowledge-based debates about gender equality in research in Europe, writes Linda Marie Rustad.

Updated innovation concept means greater diversity

Innovation has typically been thought of as involving patents, licences and start-ups. Today, innovation researchers have a far broader understanding of the concept, believes research leader Espen Solberg.

Religious minority youth between patriarchy and gender equality

Gender roles is a delicate topic for religious minority groups. Many of them accept traditional gender segregation in the religious community, but struggle with prejudices from the greater society, according to researcher.

The EU raises the standard of Norwegian gender equality policies

That the EU affects Norwegian gender equality policies has mostly proven to be a good thing. But an individual-oriented policy puts pressure on the social democratic approach, say researchers.

Controversial documentary used to de-legitimize Norwegian gender research

Rumours that the TV show 'Brainwash' put an end to Norwegian gender research is alive and kicking in anti-feminist circles internationally.

Can good leadership solve academia's gender and diversity problems?

Ever wondered what it takes to achieve a gender balanced and diverse staff? In academia, the most knowledge-intensive sector in society, the answers are hard to find. In this podcast, the experts discuss barriers and offer solutions.


Mathisen, Ruben B.
Nordic Information on Gender, NIKK
Kathinka Fossum Evertsen

News Magazine

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