Ethnic minorities
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Circumcision method creates confusion
A less invasive form of circumcision is becoming more common among Norwegian-Somalis, but the women have very different ideas of what it entails.

Sex testing of female athletes: fair or unethical?
Female athletes with a high testosterone level are required to take hormone-reducing medication in order to participate in the women’s category. This is problematic, according to researcher Mari Haugaa Engh.

“Of course Muslim feminists exist”
With her book about feminism in Islam, Marianne Hafnor Bøe not only aims to create awareness of Muslim feminists, she also wants to expand the term ‘feminism’.

Religious minority youth between patriarchy and gender equality
Gender roles is a delicate topic for religious minority groups. Many of them accept traditional gender segregation in the religious community, but struggle with prejudices from the greater society, according to researcher.

Knowledge about gender needs decolonising
The legacy from colonialism characterises Norwegian academia. Now, Norwegian researchers want to examine their own disciplines and include non-western perspectives in the academic institutions’ scholarly production.

Sami victims of violence do not seek help
People with Sami background who experience domestic violence seek help from the authorities less often than other Norwegians. A new report has looked at what may be done.

Excluded both as man and minority
Exclusion during the student days may result in lower ambitions when entering the job market. In bioengineering, male students with minority background are struggling the most.

Lack of cooperation between minority and majority women NGOs
Civil society organizations for ethnic Norwegian women and minority women cooperate very little with each other. This is one of the findings from Cecilie Thun’s ongoing doctoral research project.

Young men pressured from all sides
A recent Norwegian report looks at young men from highly patriarchal immigrant families who are struggling with their lives and who have a rather complicated relationship to women.

The downside of state support
Does state support for voluntary organisations curtail creativity and force activists to focus on what the government wants them to?

How Norwegian must minority politicians be?
Minorities must be “sufficiently Norwegian” and “understand the Norwegian mindset” if they want to run for local political office. Not least, they need to show that they support gender equality. Are minority women judged differently than minority men? Yes, according to sociologist Beret Bråten.

Female minority politicians favoured
Both voters and political parties use the opportunities they have to give extra votes to female politicians of ethnic minority background.
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