Open Issue

Torjer A. Olsen:
Gender and Indigenous Methodology
Within research on indigenous issues, scholars are claiming that research should be done on the basis of a particular set of methodological premises. The term "indigenous methodology" refers to a specific kind of thinking and reflection related to research methods. Within indigenous methodologies, it is stated that research is to be conducted on the premises and interests of indigenous peoples, support the rights of indigenous peoples and – as far as possible – use indigenous languages and concepts. Important ideals for research are respect, reciprocity, humility and relationality. The emphasis on indigenous thinking and identity, however, seems to leave little space for other variables or structures, like gender. I argue that an outspoken gender perspective is lacking, and that it would contribute to, as well as challenge, the research on indigenous issues and thus also indigenous methodologies. Gender needs to be taken into account in order to let research take place fully on the interests and premises of indigenous peoples.
Keywords: Gender, indigenous studies, indigenous methodology, research methodology, intersectionality, privilege
Eivind Myhre:
The Unacceptable Men. Masculinity and Insane Sex Offenders in Norway from 1895 to 1940
Sexual crimes from 1895 to 1940 were the subject of considerable public debate and attention in Norway. During this period a stronger women’s movement emerged, which contributed to strengthening women and children’s rights. Studies that have discussed this period have largely focused on the role of women and the development of femininity, but what about men and understandings related to masculinity? This article focuses on men and contemporary masculinity norms, based on patient casebooks of male insane sex offenders admitted to Kriminalasylet and Reitgjerdet Asylum. The article discusses mainly the patients’ relationships to work and family, understandings relating to homosexuality, and the relevance of the concept of "unmanliness".
Keywords: Sex offenders, masculinity, insanity, sexuality, history, psychiatry, institutions
Ane Møller Gabrielsen:
Men, Women, and Dogs. The Gendered Aspects of Dog Training
This article explores the gendered dimensions of Norwegian dog training. During the 2000s, a divide between "traditional" and "positive" dog training methods has emerged. While "traditional" dog training uses some degree of punishment, "positive" training is strictly reward-based. It is generally believed that men are more likely to train traditionally, while women are more inclined towards positive training. At the same time, there has also been a gendered shift in dog training. While dog training used to be a masculine domain, women now seem to be in the majority. The gendered differences in dog training are often explained with reference to the innate qualities of men and women. This article sets out to explore the gendered aspects without refering to gendered nature. Through analyses of the dog training discourse between 1970 and today, the changes in dog training are connected to general societal changes like gender equality and changes in the general education. Topics that are discussed are the gendered changes in the dog training discourse, the importance of education, the link between traditional dog training and masculinity, and dog training and gender equality.
Keywords: Gender, performativity, dog training, masculinity, gender equality
Book reviews
Elisabeth Eide and Kristin Skare Orgeret (eds.): Etter beste kjønn: Kjønnsperspektiv på medier og journalistikk. Review by Holger Pötzsch